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We Are
Curl Prep

A Women & Minority Owned Business


Curl Prep Natural Hair Solutions

     A unique high-end styling system, Curl Prep Natural Hair Solutions, founded in 2009 by Candace Kelley, is the ultimate solution for preventing hair shrinkage, adding moisture, shine, and nourishment to your hair. Kelley's team finds ingredients, oils, and scents from around the world that balance product properties that will keep your tresses healthy.

     There is nothing on the market for you and your family like our top sellers Sweet Buttah and Sweet Moisturizing Gel. People love to see their hair transform at workshops, hair shows and conferences.  The Curl Prep team has traveled for years sharing the line with people across the United States as well as France, Gambia, Jamaica and the Virgin Islands. The women, men and children who have lined up to embrace the line continue to be stunned with their hair.

     Kelley perfected natural hair recipes can be found in her book Coif Cuisine: Natural Hair Recipes & Side Dishes for the Hair & Now.  A producer of major natural hair events including Curlpalooza and as Executive Producer of the play, Supernatural: The Play, She and her team have greeted thousands of women who know that Natural Hair just starts the conversation. That conversation continues.


                           Trust those who already know and believe, if you use 

                                     Curl Prep, you won’t believe it’s your hair.                     ​


Candace Kelley

Founder, Curl Prep

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Coif Cusine: Natural Hair Kitchen
Recipes for the Hair & Now
Apple and Honey
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We Use Ingredients

from The Earth

Papaya Seeds
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